Writing Literate Configs with Org-mode

Tags: #Emacs    #Org-mode
Categories: Emacs    Org-mode   

Although you can use org-mode for note-taking, as I talked about in , one of the features I have recently come to love about org-mode is the ability to extract source code to a particular file with org-babel in Emacs. Simply having the ability to keep my source code and documentation in the same file is incredibly useful, even if I won’t necessarily use it all that often.

The most important part of setting up a literate config file is setting the header-args in your org-mode frontmatter. In short, it looks like this:

#+property: header-args{:language} :{option} {value}

Those options can be any number of things mentioned in the org-mode documentation; however, here is what I like to use:

  • :mkdirp yes
  • :tangle no

Now you might be wondering why I don’t set a relevant file to tangle my source code to - after all, that’s the point of keeping everything in one document. I wanted to be able to document everything AND I wanted to keep my source code all in one document, and if that code isn’t getting tangled, then it makes it just a bit harder to use whatever I’m configuring, whether it’s Emacs itself, something like Polybar, etc.

That is because I like to use named blocks for whatever it is I’m configuring. Let’s say I’m using Qtile as an example. Instead of simply having this:

#+begin_src python
from libqtile import layout, bar
#+end_src python

I can name the block and then reference it elsewhere in the code:

#+name: qtile-ui-imports
#+begin_src python
from libqtile import layout, bar
#+begin_src python

And it makes it much easier to reference throughout the file. Once I have it set up, I can hit C-c on the header-args line at the top of the file, and then run C-c C-v t and tangle that file and get an updated config file.